Reinhold Beitlich Stiftung

The Reinhold Beitlich Foundation

"Helping is part of life"

Under this principle, we promote education, social welfare, nature, the environment, science and research.

We sponsor and support around 250 projects & measure each year

The Reinhold Beitlich Foundation was established in 1983 by the couple Gertrud and Reinhold Beitlich. They parted with most of their assets in order to establish the foundation with this capital. It was granted the non-profit status in 1988. It embodies the founders’ social aspirations to support the common good through this foundation.

The fundament of the financial commitment to education, social welfare, nature, environment, science and research are annual distributions from the CHT group of companies which is owned with almost 90% by the Reinhold Beitlich Foundation.

In total, more than 14 million euros have flown into charitable projects since the end of the 1980s and a great deal has been achieved. To date, the foundation promotes and supports around 250 projects and individual measures each year, and the number is growing all the time.


Children are our future. One day, they will determine the path our society will take in the future.

Where this path leads depends crucially on the opportunities we give young people. That is why Gertrud and Reinhold Beitlich have formulated the foundation’s purpose in the articles of association essentially for the benefit of children and young people.


The Reinhold Beitlich Foundation supports and sponsors these areas

Education and family

Youth work in clubs

Kindergartens and day care centers

Sick and needy children, socially weak families

Day nurseries and orphanages

Remedial and special schools

Elementary, secondary and comprehensive schools and high schools

University Children's Hospital Tübingen

Student awards and scholarships

Prevention of violence and addiction

Nature and environmental protection

Colleges and universities

17 July, 2020

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29 June, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis nec a odio.

5 May, 2020

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